
Showing posts from November, 2020

40 Weeks, 5 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Marcos were better and in range today. My back is feeling better and may try a light legs/glutes workout in the morning. Coach should be happy with my numbers for this week. Plan on taking measurements and progress photo in the morning. 

40 Weeks, 6 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today and fairly consistent with them this week. Used Gorilla glue on my straw lid handle and that fixed it. Back feeling a little better but might take the week off from my workouts. Getting my Core package on Wed and am getting a Core Nutritionals face mask.

41 Weeks out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today and in range. Providing back is feeling better plan is to get 4 workouts this week. Accidently dropped my water bottle yesterday and one side of the straw lid broke so tried Gorilla glue and am letting it sit overnight. This coming week's fasting day will be on Saturday since it's the only early day I have.

41 Weeks, 1 day out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today.  Macros were good today under carbs goal by 26 grams.  Won't know my work schedule for next week until sometime tomorrow.  Back is still hurting so will see how it feels on Monday to decide if I want to take another week off from workouts.

41 Weeks, 2 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps today. Macros were good today even though Coach did let me have a relax day if I wanted. Heard from Coach last night and he wants me to come within 10 grams of my target Protein and Carbs. Also wants me within 5 grams of my target fats. Today wasn't bad I was under 1.6 grams protein, over 1.8 grams carbs and under 8.3 grams fats.  Resting my back and just got in a light walk.

41 Weeks, 3 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Fasting day macros were good over just slightly on Protein. Today's training was tracking 1550 piece truck unload. Hurt my back again not sure how this time so might take the rest of the week and just get walking in. Unsure with tomorrow being a holiday if I'll hear from Coach until maybe Friday. 

41 Weeks, 4 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have well over 18K steps for today. Macros were better today but still could use a little more protein. Got in a great Chest/Shoulders Giant Set this morning. Tomorrow is my Fasting day and at dinner I get 25 grams Protein, 40 grams Carbs and 15 grams Fats. For newer readers my Coach has me fast from after dinner the night before so from now until 3PM tomorrow then can eat until 5PM. Sent my weekly check in to Coach a little while ago. Tomorrow's training plan is either Back/Glutes or tracking truck unload.

41 Weeks, 5 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today but needed more protein. Got in a great Glutes/Quads workout in this afternoon. Tomorrow's training plan is upper body just haven't decided yet from my binder of workouts which one I'll get in yet. Plan is to get my weekly check in email sent to Coach Adam by around 4PM my time. Carbs were better this week but need to get in more Protein for the week I was under 100 grams a couple of days not counting my fasting day of course.

41 Weeks, 6 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today.  Macros were good today but needed more protein. Tomorrow's training plan is Legs/Glutes and 30 min walk in place for Cardio. Decided to go ahead and get my workouts organized before I went to work last night. After today going to take an extended break from Step Bet. Plan on starting back in January since I've done one every or almost every 6 weeks for a few months.

42 Weeks out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Marcos were great and within range today. Writing early since I was called into work on my day off just 3 hours later tonight. Not planning on organizing my workouts now until tomorrow afternoon. Couldn't decide on which day next week Wed or Thurs to fast but after looking at last year's Thanksgiving meal decided to fast on Wed.

42 Weeks, 1 day out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my stops per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Got in a great Legs/Glutes workout this morning. Forgot that I had an at home one planned for today. Bought a binder and some divider tabs today and already have page protectors so will get my workouts organized tomorrow afternoon. Plan on Monday through Thursday training sessions then taking a rest day on Friday and getting my final session in on Saturday.

42 Weeks, 2 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were great today for my fasting day. Today's training plan changed when I woke up with a headache. Coach was happy with my numbers this week and once I get bored with the at home workouts that he sent near the end of the first lockdown. Tomorrow's training plan is Legs/Glutes from the batch of at home workouts. Coach did give me 10 grams more of protein and was really happy my carbs were above 100 grams all but my fasting day of course. I may or may not use the My Workout+ app for the time being and use the notebook that I printed the workouts out. Thinking about getting a 3 ring binder and paper protective sleeves and even dividers so I can have my Virus workouts together that Adam and Zack posted for the entire Team SYLL, my gym workouts together and my at home or gym workouts together. I want to get more organized with my workouts this weekend.

42 Weeks, 3 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps today. Got in a great modified Back/Legs/Glutes training session this afternoon. Macros were good and well in range again today. Water has been better so far this week.  Haven't heard from Coach yet for this week will probably get a reply tomorrow since last week I received the reply on Thursday. Tomorrow's modified training session is Chest/Shoulders. Instead of using a barbell and bench I'll use dumbbells and my workout ball.

42 Weeks, 4 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today well within range. Tracked 1550 piece truck unload this morning and burned 472 calories 10 more than last weeks truck unload. Tomorrow's training plan is modified Legs/Glutes and adding in a few Back moves. Sent my weekly check in to Coach Adam and let him know I'm training at home for the near future. Besides the virus it's getting that time of year when I don't drive on ice or snow. Will see if he sends me new workouts or if I either stick to my current regime and modify or use the workouts from before when it was either in the gym or at home.

42 Weeks, 5 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were great today within range. Change in plan for the next several weeks instead of going to the gym I'll modify my training sessions for home since while my state (Kansas) isn't closing gyms yet I don't feel comfortable as our states virus numbers are up 50% we are in red on the maps you see on the news. A majority of the clients are college age students and they wear no masks and don't clean their equipment. Tomorrow's training plan changed as well will track 1550 piece truck unload. For this week I'll modify the workouts already in the My Workout+ app. 

42 Weeks, 6 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today within range. Water could be a little better today but can improve that tomorrow.   Planning my fasting day for Thursday with the exception on Thanksgiving week will see if Coach still wants me to fast after this week but will plan since probably won't get a reply from him until later in the week. For those new readers he wants me to fast from dinner the night before until 3PM on my fasting day and the window closes at 5PM. I like to choose my early to work days as it's easier to not eat breakfast.

43 Weeks out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps today. Macros were in range but needed to work on Protein today. This week's training plan is 3 gym sessions and 1 at home session all are already put into the My Workout+ app. Watched this week's online mass so that's done for the weekend. 

43 Weeks, 1 day out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were great and within my range today. Training didn't happen as planned but still got it in modified at home. My car wouldn't start this morning so had a new battery put in a little while ago. Won't know my work schedule until sometime tomorrow to plan my training sessions and get them in the My Workout+ app.

43 Weeks, 2 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have well over 18K steps for today. Macros were within my 5-10 grams range. On fasting days my macros are 25 grams protein, 40 grams carbs and 15 grams fats. For the other 6 days my macros are 100 grams protein, 140 grams carbs and 40 grams fats. For new readers the numbers over or under are from the numbers above. Got in a great training session today as I trained a little back and Chest/Shoulders. Tomorrow's training plan is Legs/Glutes. Coach was happy with my numbers this week and wants to keep things the same. Won't know my work schedule for next week until some time tomorrow or Saturday to plan my training sessions.

43 Weeks, 3 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have well over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today. Forgot I was going to fast today so that will be tomorrow. Change in plan for today's training I tracked truck unload since I got off to close to my gym cut off time. Normally it gets busy after 3PM. Tomorrow's training plan is a few back exercises before Chest/Shoulders. Love my new water bottle but thinking about ordering a lid with a straw too.

43 Weeks, 4 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have well over 18K steps today. Macros were good today under 12 grams protein, under 0.9 grams carbs, and under 3.2 grams fats. Tomorrow is my fasting day and since truck was pushed back and I get off about 3PM my training will be truck unload. Got in a great Legs/Glutes and 30 min walk on the mats since it was cool and pouring down rain when I got ready for cardio. Might get in a few back exercises on Thursday before I start my Chest/Shoulders training session. Sent my weekly check in to Coach Adam a little while ago.

43 Weeks, 5 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today. Over 2.9 grams protein, under 24 grams carbs and over 1.5 grams fats. Tomorrow's training session is Legs/Glutes and 30 min walk on the mats. Got my new water bottle this afternoon and love it so far. 

43 Weeks, 6 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today. I was over 11.5 grams protein, under 11.9 grams carbs and under 5.5 grams fats.  Better and getting more consistent with my numbers. Should have my new Hydro Flask water bottle tomorrow and my box of beef sticks and case of energy drinks on Tuesday. 

44 Weeks out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today but needed more protein. Training plan for next week is 4 gym sessions and all workouts are in the My Workout+ app. After getting input from my Team Green teammates I went ahead and ordered the water bottle this morning. Should have it on Monday then get my Merica energy drink and beef sticks on Tuesday.  Macros were under 26 grams on Protein, under 0.5 grams Carbs, and under 4.5 grams Fats.

44 Weeks, 1 day out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Today's training was 3 Back exercises then Legs/Glutes and 30 min walk on the mats. Coach replied back after I posted last night. He's happy with my weight going down but wants me closer to 10 grams on Protein and Carbs while being closer to 5 grams on Fats. Macros were food today I was over 2.3 grams of Protein, under 10.4 grams Carbs and under 12.7 grams on Fats. Still undecided but have the Hydro Flask Standard Mouth Water Bottle in my Amazon cart. Cant decide if I want to order it just yet since I was in the 150's for a few days during this last training week so may wait and place the order late next week if I maintain in the 140's all training week.  

44 Weeks, 2 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were great today for a fasting day. Today's training plan changed after I took all of my Core Vitamins on an empty stomach and didn't feel great all day. Tomorrow's training plan is the Back exercises from today's training then Legs/Glutes as planned. Will ask Coach about taking my Core Multi, Core Omega and first dose of Core Load on an empty stomach on Fasting days. Might also get input from my teammates too. 

44 Weeks, 3 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today. Tomorrow is my fasting day this week. Training session for tomorrow afternoon is Back/Glutes and 30 min cardio. Friday's training session is Legs/Glutes and 30 min cardio. Sent my weekly check in email last night and just hope Coach is happy with my numbers.

44 Weeks, 4 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have well over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today but still need more Carbs. Great training session this morning after going to get my new glasses. Posting later than planned but went with my dad to visit my uncle who's camping at the local state park. Was planning on having my weekly check in email sent well before 5PM but didn't send until around 6:30PM tonight. 

44 Weeks, 5 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today but still need more protein and carbs. Tomorrow's training sessions is Legs/Glutes and 30 min walk either on the mats on street out back will see what the temperature is when I get ready for cardio. Have my progress photos ready to send with my Google sheet tomorrow for my weekly check in.

44 Weeks, 6 days out

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have well over 18K steps for today. Marcos were good today but protein and carbs could be better. Got my training sessions put into the My Workout+ app and ready to go for Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.  Wednesday's training will be track truck unload. Hopefully Coach will be happy with my numbers this week.