
I burned over 400 calories 4 days this week and will wrap up the week tomorrow with Cardio after work and plan on burning over 400 calories. I plan on taking good notes at the officer's training coming up in a couple weeks for the new secretary. Eager for elections so I can be done with being an officer. I'll miss the girls and Bruce of course but not eating super light on Monday before weigh in on Monday night. I won't be going this alone I'll have Christian, Mica, #trainwithmica Facebook group, and others to support me. It will surprise Beverly when I'm not at Fun Day this year. Norma will have to tell her that I've decided to not renew my membership because personally I am in a happy place and am giving myself 90 days and if I can't do it then I'll rejoin in January. Beverly will be shocked since I don't think I've missed a Fun Day in the entire time I've been a member until this one which is probably gonna be late October/early November.


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