
Showing posts from June, 2016


I got to thinking this morning and looking back on my TOPS membership I wasn't successful until I met Christian, Mica, Zach, Danielle, and Aaron. I started to lose the weight once I had someone there to guide my food plan and I have been successful with my weight loss and healthy lifestyle. I am just counting the weeks now til I am officially done with TOPS. I have 14 more weigh in's and then I'm done with TOPS. I feel better about my decision and knowing that I can do this on my own with the help of Christian and Mica plus everyone in her Facebook group which I need to post to again more.

Nail Pour

This is the nail treatment that I got done today. It's a red with sparkles. Color is Spark Plug.


Got in a great workout with my new stuff today. I burned 413 calories in a little over an hour. I plan on being 130 or less before we go on vacation which isn't until October so I have time to work it off. We weigh in this coming Monday then don't weigh the next week for the holiday at TOPS but I still weigh in for Christian so it doesn't matter to me if there is a holiday or not. I'm loving the new finishers where it just helps me burn more calories before I do Cardio.

Progress photo

This is 3 months into the new year when I decided to take photos.


Ended up buying a pen for myself and a coffee mug for my secret pal at the TOPS workshop yesterday. I'm glad that I reminded Christian of the equipment I have at MAC I can use since he is going to change up my workouts/exercises for this month. Tomorrow I'm going to take a photo and post it along with the one from the start of May/June to see what the difference is. Eager to get my new workouts and see what new exercises I get to do this month and what different equipment I get to use.


Burned 443 calories today in my Cardio/Abs workout. Tomorrow is my last TOPS area/state event and I will buy a pen or something for my secret pal so it doesn't look like something is wrong since I almost always buy something at these events the workshops and fun day's. I'll have Norma go up there with me and see if there is something that Bruce would like if not then I'll buy a pen. Plan on when I get my e-mail ready for Christian tomorrow then I'll remind him of what other equipment I have access to at the gym. I've been doing the same exercises for a year now so will see if I can get some different exercises. I think my body is getting used to these exercises I've been doing for a while now. I will remind him I have kettle bells, wall balls, medicine balls, a rope, a TRX, rings, several squat racks, and might even be able to find the ladder that we used to use for the morning class warm up.


Burned 515 calories this morning at the gym. It's amazing how 1 or 2 extra sets of exercises then 20 minutes of treadmill sprints 30 seconds on and 30 seconds off. Think I'll do the treadmill next month for my Cardio but not sure of what exercises that I'm going to do if it's the same as month's past or new exercises. I know I'll get my new workouts either Monday or Tuesday before Christian and Mica go on vacation for a week or two.


Been a couple of days since I've been here. I burned exactly 400 calories yesterday and today too. Saturday will be my final TOPS event both area and state. The announcement is out and now everyone at chapter knows to start thinking about someone taking over as secretary and I'll take good notes at the workshop. This way I'll type everything up and have it in the secretary's book for the next person to take over. I've got my minutes typed up and printed. Will let the new secretary decide which worksheet she wants to use. I have the old one and a newer one that I created.


I think I have the support that others who've left TOPS didn't have so they had to rejoin. I've got my yahoo group TOPS/KOPS accountability, Christian, Mica, #trainwithmica Facebook group, my family and co-workers for added support so think I'll be OK after my TOPS membership is up in October. Scale down 0.5# from yesterday and from last week I'm down 1.1# so I should be OK for weigh in's tomorrow morning and evening.


Been a few days since I was here last. On Wednesday I noticed that it felt like something was in my left eye so on Thursday after work I had my mom take a photo of it and sent it to the eye dr who called in an antibiotic prescription on Friday afternoon. I looks like either a Stye or some kind of infection I couldn't really understand Wayne as he was coaching a baseball game Thursday evening. Taking the weekend and Monday off from my workout to give the antibiotic time to work.  Need to do one more coat of Nail Envy to start a new week of treatment on my nails. My eye is red and swollen so not going anywhere today other than church then have to work 2-8 tomorrow. Home scale was down 1.1# from yesterday but still up a little from last TOPS weigh in not much just 0.5# from last chapter weigh in and the same as Monday morning of 2 weeks ago. I'm down 1.4# from last Monday morning's weigh in so I should be OK for this week's weigh in's.