Had an amazing Leg Workout today burned 714 calories. Bought some holiday M&M's since they were on sale. Ate a few handfuls of them and now they are in my bag to take to work and put in the drawer to share with Becca. Watched part of the Facebook Live from 24hr fitness with Mica and I think she said that Christian will be there next Wed at 3PM so will tune into that one too. Almost finished with my third bottle of 24oz and will go get more to really shoot for my 120oz of water and actually track it on my fitness pal. After my tea in the first bottle of water then BCAA in the second bottle this one and the last 2 will be straight water with nothing in it. Charging my headphones now as the battery went dead this morning and I put a pair of corded headphones in my bag just in case that happens again or I decide not to use the bluetooth. Until my headphones died I was listening to XM radio 90's on 9.
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