Day 63

All green on Versa, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps for today. Got in a great 20 min walk on the Jui Jitsu mats then Chest/Shoulders this morning. After getting my hair trimmed tomorrow it's Biceps/Triceps and 20 min cardio of my choice. Tracked by looking at my phone for my workout today and tomorrow too since I left my notebook on the desk this morning for my trainer.  I've got 8# to reach my mini goal of 132 and 15# to reach my ultimate goal of 125. Going to take measurements before breakfast in the AM and then take a progress photo before I get started on my workout. Joined the text VIP for the boutique close to the salon I go to so I get 15% off my purchase tomorrow so thinking of what else to get besides the mini makeup junkie bag for my headphones and chapstick. 


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