Day 314

All green on my Versa, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps today. Great workout today, took measurements and might retake progress photos. Tomorrow's workout plan is Glutes/Back and cardio. Macros weren't the best today will focus on them more tomorrow. Spring 5% challenge on Spark People is taking sign ups now. Come join the fun with the Spring 5% challenge.

The Spring Challenge is beginning soon! This is a great time to blog and invite others to the challenge! After joining the Spring Challenge yourself, copy this link to your blog to invite others! You may use this as your invitation:

This is your invitation! Click to join us on an 8 week race around the world! Meet new friends, stay accountable on your fitness journey, and learn healthy habits on this fun and exciting challenge! Click below to join the team! Copy and paste the link below to your address bar to join then follow the instructions to join a team.


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