Thursday 8/31/23


Didn’t close all rings on my Samsung Active 4 just missed steps by 3,867 steps. Calorie goal was 1572 and I was 46 calories over, P goal was 160 and I was 8 grams over, C goal was 116 and I was 4 grams over and F goal was 52 and I was 3 grams over. Great Day 184/305 mile a day, 1P Workout of the Week modified and 60 min walk. #DuesPaid Completed my personal power list but missed step goal. Meds, Micro Factor and Supplements are ready for tomorrow morning. Work clothes are set out for tomorrow. All meals/snacks for tomorrow with the exception of dinner has been pre-tracked in the app. Training plan: Day 185/305 mile a day before breakfast, 6-12-25 W1/D2: Legs and Abs after breakfast and 60 min walk after dinner.  I AM: I am resilient in the face of the negativity of others.


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