
Noticed something on Wednesday there was a girl training with Scott and her friends was just hanging out watching. If it were me I would've told my friend "I'll catch up with you after my session and a shower" Having car issues so didn't go yesterday and didn't go today want to drive as little as possible until after Molle looks at it on Saturday morning. Got my car cleaned out a little and took out my trash then when the boil order was cancelled I filled the ice cube trays and my humidifier and also changed the filter which hadn't been done for a while. Will check walgreens to see if they sell the filters I need if not then I'll have to go to wal-mart. Just checked Walgreen's site and looks like I have to go to Wal-Mart to get my replacement filters which I need to do every month or two. Put the reminder in my phone so I can remember when to change it. Need to go to Wal-Mart and buy a couple of filters in the next few days.


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