Day 232

All green on my Versa, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps for today.  Got in a great Legs/Back and 5 min boxing combo. Macros were good today and it's the first time ever my carbs and protein have been the same. Fat was really good today. Schedule was published this afternoon and had to call since my availability for next Saturday was over ridden so now I'm off at 12:30PM instead of 6PM like originally scheduled. Plan for next week is Monday at home workout, Tuesday gym workout, Wednesday gym workout, Thursday gym workout, and Friday gym workout. The only at home workout day is Monday because I get off at 2:45PM and that's too close to my personal cut off time to go to the gym. I've got 7.1# to reach my mini goal of 135 by the end of the year and 17.1# to reach my goal of 125 by April 25, 2020 which is my 1yr anniversary of tracking my food on My Fitness Pal.


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