Almost all green today just will miss floors but have achieved my steps per hour goal and over 13K steps for today. Got in a great double workout today I did Back/Biceps and 20 min row followed by Legs and 20 min on bike instead of stair master wasn't sure my back was ready for that one yet. Tomorrow's workout plan is Chest Circuit and Chest/Triceps with no planned Cardio since I won't get into the gym on Thursday so did tomorrow's workout today and will do Thursday's workout tomorrow. Back is feeling better but used Bio-Freeze before my workout and put on an Icy/Hot patch after my shower. Used my Pre-Workout just half a scoop this morning and think I can try a full scoop so have my dose locker filled with a full scoop to drink tomorrow about a half hour or so before my workout. Didn't drink my tea this morning since I used half a scoop of pre-workout before going to get my workout in this morning but will make the tea in the AM since I'll have time to drink it then get fresh water for my pre-workout.
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