
Posting early so not sure if I'll go all green today but will achieve my steps per hour goal and have well over 13K steps.  Got in a great 20 min Legs AMRAP and Chest/Shoulders workout today. Tomorrow's workout plan is Legs and 20 min escalator (stair master) or other cardio depending on if the stair master is free or not. Didn't go any faster on AMRAP but that's OK I stopped a few times to get a drink of water and catch my breath. So I don't miss it today will get my headspace Letting go of stress session 2 of level 2 in later so I don't forget when I get home later. Still leading both workweek hustle challenges on Fit Bit app. Instead of drinking a post workout shake I ate a P3 turkey protein plate and will get turkey protein trays to eat post workout on the go. Might eat the ham protein tray that I also bought today later. 48oz of water down and 72oz to go and almost done with my third 24oz bottle so will have it hopefully before 8PM tonight. 


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