Day 30 of 90 day transformation

Almost all green on my Versa today just going to miss active minutes but achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps. Schedule was published early this morning so I can get into the gym Monday morning, Tuesday afternoon, Wednesday morning and Friday morning. Will either do Thursday's workout on Wednesday morning or Friday  morning haven't decided yet. Not too bad since I did my nails on Monday they've lasted into the 6th day before starting to chip but I didn't put an extra top coat yesterday or today otherwise I think the color would've lasted until Monday.  Decided today to extend my transformation to 90 days. It's been a month today since I've had my last piece of chocolate/candy and I don't miss it at all. I just decided on April 26th that i didn't want anymore chocolate or candy. Will take another photo sometime this week and also take measurements probably on Saturday morning. I won the workweek hustle challenge I was in on my Fit Bit app so going to try and win again this week.


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