Day 20 of 30 day transformation

All green well almost all green on my Versa today. Achieved or will have achieved my steps per hour goal and have well over 13K steps before bed tonight. Scale the same as yesterday so still down 2# since I began my transformation. Sent an e-mail to 1st phorm customer service since I didn't get my last shipment of Alpha Care but that's OK cause my next shipment should ship late next week. Had to end up on the treadmill today instead of stair master because it was in use. Tomorrow's workout plan is Back/Biceps and 20 min elliptical but might do 10 min on stair master and 10 min on elliptical to make up for not getting on the stair master today. After about a week of not having any Keto Bang! Mocha Madness I got more today and might either have Johnyee order me some Cotton Candy Bang so I can have a case of that to drink before my workouts when I workout after I get off work. 


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