Sunday 6/13

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18Kmsteps for today. Macros were good again today P goal was 140 and I had 3 grams left, C goal was 160 and I had 7 grand left and F goal was 50 and I was over 18 grams. Switched my training from beginner to intermediate and I only get 1 rest day so will modify Saturday's to a home workout. Vitamins are ready for tomorrow. Tomorrow's training plan is for time 4 different exercises, Tuesdays training plan is Every Minutes on the Minutes 5 exercises then Cardio 1 mile for time, Wednesdays training plan is Leg Day, Thursdays training plan is Push day, Friday's training plan is Pull day modified for home and Saturdays training plan is Leg Day modified for home.


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