Sunday 6/20

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today P goal was 140 and I had 3 grams left, C goal was 160 and I had 4 grams left and F goal was 50 and I was over 2 grams. Great modified Chest/Shoulders/Triceps workout to make up for having a headache on Thursday. This week's training plan is Monday 2 rounds for time at home after dinner, Tuesday 16 min EMOM (4 rounds) at home after dinner, Wed 35 min to finish at the gym after truck unload, Thursday 5 RFT (Rounds for time) at the gym after work and Friday 3 Part Super Sets with a minute rest between parts at the gym after breakfast. Saturday's training is Cardio followed by a plank circuit. Vitamins are ready for tomorrow. As always I drank my reds and greens now waiting another few minutes to rinse and put my retainers in they have been soaking in denture cleaner all day.


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