
22 days in a row for 2017 and every day since Dec 1, 2016. Back feeling a whole lot better but will get some Tiger Balm in the tube since what I have is in a jar and a little harder to get out to put on fast. Scale is up 1.5# for the week and only up 0.3# for the month so that's a lot better but want to have a loss so hope the few chips I ate this afternoon didn't cause a gain. I've drank 72oz of water already and drinking another 24oz now. Body fat however is down 0.1% for the week but the same for the month. Eager to see what Christian has planned for me this month. Going to lift light again this week then next week ease my way back to lifting 15# and 20# weights again.  Day 53 of blogging thought it might be easier to say that than the day in a row for 2017 and every day since Dec 1, 2016. Might do last month's Chest workout if I don't have anything new by 9AM tomorrow.  I'm 1,843 steps from reaching 10K for the day so will get that and maybe a little more before laying down and watching the football game.


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