
Written 5 days for 2017 counting today and every day since Dec 1st. No gym workout today since it snowed last night and the roads haven't been treated. Will get in either a walking video on YouTube or a circuit workout from the new Jillian app which finally was launched and I downloaded this morning. Still can't log into the old site and have an e-mail out to customer support on that one. Would be nice to access the message boards to see if an admin replied to my post from a couple days ago. Last time I was able to log in was on Tuesday afternoon ( I think). Going to walk in place for the entire 4th hour of today and will log it as a workout just walking without the heart rate strap.

Scale the same as yesterday so still down 1.4# for the month and down 0.6# for the week. Body fat is up 0.5% for the week and down 0.1% for the month so far with 2 more weeks left to go so need the rest of this week and the next 2 weeks to be better than the first week.


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