
Day 60 of writing on a daily basis. Scale is down 1.6# from yesterday and just up 0.2# for the week and month. Shortly I'll get my workout templates created to make it easier to track my workouts. Think I might mix up my workouts a bit and do Cardio in the middle of the week but haven't decided yet. 24oz of water down and 96oz left to go to reach my daily water goal for today. Snacking should be easier the next 4 days as long as I don't stop anywhere tomorrow, Tuesday or Wed before or after my workouts. I'm home so won't be tempted to buy something I don't need but just want cause I'm hungry. As of 10:22AM I have 2 workout templates created and have Legs/Abs and Back/Biceps/Shoulders left to create and then all workout templates for Jan/Feb are created and ready to go for tomorrow as soon as I get my car back from being serviced.  Almost have all 4 templates created but not sure of one exercise so sent Christian an e-mail and waiting for a reply before finishing Back/Biceps/Shoulders template. Went ahead and finished my template and will wait and see what he says but think I'm right on the one exercise. All 4 templates created before noon so now ready to go tomorrow afternoon.


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