
Almost all green but will miss floors today. Posting early so hope to achieve my steps per hour goal but not sure with a rosary this evening. Got in a great Back and 20 min on treadmill decided to do the hill program on the treadmill today. Tomorrow's workout plan is Biceps/Triceps and 20 min on stair master. Quads are still sore from Monday's workout and as of yet still no planned workout on Friday not sure if I'll go this week or not but probably not since I work 10AM-6PM and will get enough exercise unloading the truck and putting stock out. More than likely will miss Christmas Eve and Christmas day's workouts unless I'm off on Christmas Eve then will go in the AM but take the holiday off. Most if not all of today's workout was brand new just did TRX rows, Lat pulldowns, and Seated rows that I've done before but the rest were exercises that I'd never done before. I'm in third place on both workweek challenges on Fit Bit.


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