Day 130

All green on my Versa, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps for today. Got my new workouts this morning and just wrote today's in my notebook but will put the others in shortly. Today's workout was Chest/Shoulders and 4 rounds of 10 calorie bike sprints and 3 rounds of 200 meter row. Tomorrow's workout plan is Legs and 8 rounds 4 min time russian twists. I finished second in the weekend warrior challenge and am leading both workweek hustle challenges I'm in this week. Versa battery was at 38% so charged it for a little bit and now it's at 55% so will finish charging in an hour or so. I think my new September workouts are the hardest that I've done so far. I've got 7.8# to go to reach my mini goal of 132 and 14.8# to go to reach my goal of 125. Hoping to be at 132 by the middle of this month and working to get to my goal of 125.


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