Day 144

Almost all green on my Versa just might miss active minutes but achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps for today. After a week and a day off from the gym it's back into the gym tomorrow for Legs and 8 rounds (4 min time limit) 30 sec on and 30 sec off Russian Twists. I'm skipping my Chest/Shoulders but will do 4 rounds of 10-12 cal Assault Bike sprints and 3 rounds of 200 meter rowing machine sprints and might do a couple of the exercises from today's planned workout before the cardio. I've got 12.2# to reach my mini goal of 132 and 19.2# to go to reach my goal of 125. Gonna work hard to get close to my mini goal or even goal before Vacation in a couple weeks. I'm in second place on 1 workweek hustle challenge and first place on the other one. I ended up 4th in the weekend warrior challenge I was in last weekend. Could've been in first on both workweek hustle challenges if I had done truck this morning. 


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