Day 278

Writing early but plan on going all green on my Versa, achieve my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps today. Got in a great 8 min warm up on the elliptical then Chest and 20 min turf walk since the mats were being used by a couple of the ABJJ acadamy members for over an hour. Unsure of how my macros will be today but going to try hard to keep protein higher than carbs and fats under 40grams.  Getting new workouts this week with more glute work. Love my new workout bag everything fits just great in it. Tomorrow's workout plan is 8 min warm up on ellie keeping RPM above 50 then Legs/Back and 20 min walk either on the turf or mats depending on if acadamy members are using them to practice. I picked the one I did a couple weeks ago when I didn't use a lifting belt and tweaked my lower back. Will wear my lifting belt this time and use a more comfortable bar too.


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