Day 257

All green on my Versa, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps for today. Great Chest and 8 min HIIT Cardio on air bike. Tomorrow's workout plan is Legs/Glutes and 20 min cardio probably on rowing machine. Listening to Contest Prep University podcast while writing. Macros were not as good today but fats were at 40 grams. Need to be more consistent increasing protein while decreasing carbs and keeping fats at or under 40 grams. I still have 7.3# to go to reach my mini goal of 135 and 17.3# to go to reach my goal of 125. Coach wants me to get a blood glucose monitor and a couple times a week take my fasting glucose to see if that is part of why I'm not losing weight like I should. Will stop at Wal-Mart and price them then to Walgreens and get the cheapest one I can for now.


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