Day 273

Writing early so unsure if I'll go all green but will achieve my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps for today. Again unsure of Macros just hoping to keep my protein and carbs at or under 100grams and my fats under 40grams. Got in a great Shoulder/Chest workout after 8 min warm up on elliptical and then 20 min walk on the mats after my lifting.  After I posted my workout screenshot from Fit Bit app to my Instagram story I got a notification that Coach Adam had mentioned me in his story that means for those who don't have Instagram that he reposted my post in which I tagged him. Tomorrow think I'll track truck unload as a workout instead of using the weights feature on my Versa. Won't know my work schedule for next week until sometime on Saturday afternoon to plan my at home workout days and my gym workout days.


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