23 Weeks, 6 days out
All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 18K steps for today. Macros were good today protein target was 100 and I was under 9.1, carbs target was 140 and I was under 3.5, and fats target was 40 and I was under 15.3. Feeling lots better today after feeling fatigued and cold most of the day yesterday. Arm is still sore from the shot on Friday. Awesome Easter Vigil Mass last night. SpO2 for last night was 94%. Versa battery is at 34% so charging it up as soon as I complete week1 of the Step Bet Maintainer's Challenge. Vitamins are ready for tomorrow and soon will get fresh water to make my ZZZ's. Almost finished with them so going to Walgreen's tomorrow for Emergen-C Emergen-ZZZZ.
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