Friday 8/20

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 19K steps for today. Macros were good today Calories goal was 1565 and I had 213 calories left, P goal was 140 and I was over 10 grams, C goal was 105 and I had 1 gram left and F goal was 65 and I had 29 grams left. Great leg day workout this morning. This week's training sessions are Monday 4 rounds for time, 3 min rest then 3 rounds for quality at home, Tuesday 30 min AMRAP in the gym, Wed 30 min circuit or truck unload, Thursday 45 min walk, and Friday 2 part AMRAP 10 min each with 3 min rest between. Completed both app and personal power lists detailed in Tuesday's post. Vitamins are ready for tomorrow and will get post workout stack ready in the morning.


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