Sunday 8/8

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 19K steps for today. Macros were OK today Calories goal was 1570 and I was over 277 calories, P goal was 140 and I was over 34 grams, C goal was 140 and I had 8 grams left and F goal was 50 and I was over 20 grams. This week's training sessions all at home 15 min AMRAP tomorrow, 3 rounds 9 min then minute rest and 3 rounds 9 min max on Tuesday, 20 min EMOM (5 rounds) on Wed, Active recovery 45 min Cardio on Thursday and either 20 min AMRAP or truck unload. All days will also include 45 min on bike for my second workout of 75 Hard. Vitamins are ready for tomorrow and day 4 of 75 Hard complete. Completed both personal and app Power lists.


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