
Showing posts from February, 2019


Unsure if I'll go all green today might miss floors and active minutes and maybe miles not sure yet. Roads didn't cooperate today so missing yet another gym workout and will miss tomorrow due to needing to do other things and the gym is normally busy after 5PM anyways. As I write this plan is to have 1/4 of my steps if not half before I go to work today. Writing early since I work 2:30PM-9PM and will just have my computer on long enough to finish my food journal later. I will though have over 13K steps today. My GNC pro box should be here today before I go to work hopefully so I can open it and see what new samples they sent me this time.


Unsure if I'll be all green today might just miss floors and active minutes but will get calories burned and miles. Achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps for today. Missed my gym workout today and if all goes well tomorrow morning I'll get into the gym but no promises will have to see what the roads are like. Got my new ear buds this morning and am charging them now then will connect them to my phone and try them out. Will miss Friday's workout as well due to getting off at 5PM and not wanting to go when the gym is super busy. Besides I have laundry to do since I work 11AM-5PM on Saturday and I normally do laundry on Saturday morning.


Almost all green today just will miss floors but achieved or will have my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps. Got in a great 5 min row to warm up the Chest/Shoulders and Legs circuit to finish today. Woke up to a surprise this morning my workouts for next month are already in the app so they are already written in my notebook. Already drank 40oz of water today and am drinking another. Unsure if I'll get into the gym tomorrow or Friday but weather permitting I'll get in there on Thursday morning to finish off the training month. Think I'll pack my workout clothes just in case I decide to go tomorrow evening but will for sure take Friday off since I work 11AM-5PM on Saturday and have laundry to do. Glad to be back on my regular vitamin pack again but have to take my time taking them so I don't have swallowing issues. Saturday I'll take my measurements to post them on Monday when I weigh in.


Almost all green today just will miss floors but achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps for today. Got in a great Legs and 20 min cardio did 10 min on stair master then 10 min on bike since I couldn't handle 20 min on stair master. Tomorrow's workout plan is 5 min row to warm up then Chest/Shoulders and Legs circuit to finish up. Decided today to get some detox was going to use the pill form but decided to use the tea instead. Went to GNC for Amino Energy and bought some Ever Day Detox tea. Got 2 week supply of my regular vitamins to hold me over until mine are in. Instead of using a breathing app that I had on my phone (have removed it) I'm now using the Relax feature on my Versa.


Almost all green but will miss floors and active minutes. Achieved my steps per hour goal even though 9AM-4PM won't count on my Versa since I didn't sync my charge3 before removing it from my account. Also those steps didn't count that but I have over 13K steps already. Got my Versa this morning and got it charged up and set up when I got home this afternoon. Tomorrow's workout plan is Legs and 20 min on stair master or other cardio. Eager to start the weights exercise for tomorrow's workout. Love that I can have a cool clock face and I chose the photo of my dog.


Almost all green but will miss active minutes and came up 36 steps shy of achieving my steps per hour goal sitting in church tonight. It's super windy here today so think that is why I got 7 floors today. Plan on going to pick up my Versa tomorrow morning before work then once I get home set it up and charge it. Also ordered some new earphones should be able to get them on Tuesday. Still planning unless something happens working out after 5PM on Wednesday and Friday. Haven't gotten the notification yet that I can get my earphones. After another gym off day tomorrow on Monday it's Legs and 20 min on stair master or other cardio machine in the morning.


All green today first time in a while that I've gotten even floors too. Achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps. Plan is to get into the gym all 5 days but no promises since it's the time of the year where the weather might keep me out and I get off a couple days at 5PM so unsure if I'll go or not. Got in a great Legs/Abs circuit and on my own got on the recumbent bike for a little bit. Ordered a Fit Bit Versa from and can get it on Sunday when I go to work I'll just leave a little early and do precheck in. A co-worker of mine ordered one as well but hers is coming from the Fit Bit site so she won't get hers until first of next week and if I was headed to town tomorrow I could get mine then.


Almost all green today but will miss floors and active minutes but did achieve my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps. Great Legs/Back and no planned cardio workout this morning. Tomorrow's workout plan is Legs/Abs circuit with no planned cardio. Won't know for sure my work schedule for next week until sometime either tomorrow afternoon or Saturday. Unsure if I'll do my breathing app exercise or headspace session since my phone needs charged and didn't want to charge it just for a short time on the way home.


Almost all green today and have achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps. Yesterday was all green but floors and miles but did achieve my steps per hour goal and had over 13K steps. Got in a great 20 min on escalator(stair master)then Legs/Back and Legs circuit to finish up. Tomorrow's workout plan is more Legs/Back with no planned cardio.  Tonight plan on getting caught up with breathing app exercises and headspace app sessions and also daily meditation from church book haven't done that for a few nights. Also plan to journal in my notebook too after taking last night off from it as I didn't have time before work. Need to get caught up on my DVR'd shows but can do that this weekend.


Not sure if I'll go all green today but missed floors, miles and active minutes yesterday but so far have active minutes and plan on achieving my steps per hour goal. Also plan on getting in 13K steps for today. Got in a great 5 min row to warm up then Chest/Shoulders and Legs circuit to finish up. Tomorrow's workout plan weather permitting is 20 min Stair master or other cardio and Legs/Back with Legs Circuit to finish up.  Writing early so may or may not journal in my notebook or get my breathing app exercise or headspace app session in but plan on making it up tomorrow afternoon/evening.


Unsure if I'll go all green today but going to try and get everything but floors. Will achieve my steps per hour goal today and have over 13K steps. Writing early since I work 3PM-9:30PM but will be off by 9:20 at the latest. Probably won't turn on my computer when I get home. Mindful moment for today: Mindfulness is not only about taking time for yourself, it's also for the people around you.  Motivational quote for today: Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.--Confucius Great Legs and 20 min cardio workout this morning did kettlebell straight leg deadlifts using 25# KB and Thrusters with 10# medicine ball. I've never used that heavy of weight on either one before but my gym motivator was working out and decided to try a little heavier than normal. Tomorrow's workout plan weather permitting is 5 min row followed by Chest/Shoulders and Legs circuit to finish up. I am so ready for Spring as I hate missing workouts due to the we...


Not sure I'll go all green today but try and get 13K steps. Came up 20 steps shy of achieving my steps per hour goal for today while at work freezing and not feeling well. Am feeling a little better now so trying to at least complete the goal day challenge I'm in for today. Scale is unofficially down 3.5# but most of that is from not eating much as I felt sick to my stomach most of the day yesterday. Ate light today so will see if that holds up or how much holds up. Mindful Moment for today: We can get swept away by our thoughts, or learn to step back and see them with clarity. Easy to forget it's a choice. Didn't even write in my notebook journal yesterday and didn't even complete my breathing app exercise or headspace session but will make it up later. If all goes well with the roads and If I'm back to normal tomorrow it will be Legs and 20 min on stair master or other cardio machine.


Almost all green today but will miss floors, miles and active minutes. Came up short by 1hr of achieving my steps per hour goal sitting in church and in the car on the way home. Will have over 13K steps for today but with my Charge3 being at 42% going to charge it shortly. Plan on at least achieving my steps per hour goal tomorrow even if I don't go all green in the other areas. Monday's workout plan weather permitting is Legs and 20 min on stair master or other cardio machine.


Almost all green just will miss floors, miles and active minutes but did achieve my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps today. Schedule was published earlier than normal so I can get into the gym all 5 days weather permitting of course. Monday-Thursday morning and Friday afternoon. Mindful moment for today: When it comes to meditation, every day is the first day. Each new moment, the first moment. Motivational quote for today: Confidence is a habit that can be developed by acting as if you already had the confidence you desire to have.--Brian Tracy


Almost all green today going to miss floors, active minutes and miles but do have over 13K steps and have achieved my steps per hour goal. Got off late today so no gym workout and tomorrow's possible weather also means no gym workout. I don't like going after 5PM anyways it's too busy and I can't get what I need. Mindful Moment for today: Why not do something just for fun today? Won't know my work schedule for next week officially until Saturday but unofficially I can get into the gym all 5 days but that could change between now and Saturday. Tuesday evening even though I posted here I didn't journal in my notebook and didn't do my breathing app exercise or headspace course session. Started a new course on Headspace app called Pro Level 1 last night and will wait a little while and get it in along with the 2 min breathing app exercise.


Almost all green but will miss floors today but will achieve my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps. Got in a great 10 min stair master and 10 min on bike for my 20 min cardio then Legs/Back and Legs Circuit to finish up. Mindful Moment: The nature of the mind is limitless, as far and wide as we dare to imagine. Going to take tomorrow and Friday off from the gym since I get off at 5:30PM tomorrow and 5PM on Friday could go Friday but don't like going when the gym is really super busy and it normally is after 5PM. Ended up missing floors, miles and active minutes yesterday but did achieve my steps per hour goal and had over 13K steps.


Unsure if I'll go all green today but will miss floors but achieve my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps. Writing early so I don't have to turn my computer on for very long when I get home. Great 5 min row to warm up then Chest/Shoulders and Legs circuit to finish up today. Tomorrow's workout plan is 20 min stair master (or other cardio) and Legs/Back with Legs circuit to finish. Bought some Colgate Wisp brushes to help with staining of my teeth from my Bang! Peach tea and Keto coffee that I've been drinking everyday lately. I have to be better on Facebook about wishing family and friends a Happy Birthday on their special day. Completed my Finding Focus course on the Headspace app last night but might take a day off and start a new course tomorrow evening.


Almost all green but will miss floors, active minutes and miles since my Charge3 was at 39% and needed charged up. Did achieve my steps per hour goal and have well over 13K steps. Great Legs and 20 min treadmill walk since not sure I was up to 20 min on escalator (stair master) after a week out of the gym. Tomorrow's workout plan is 5 min warm up on rower then chest/shoulders and leg circuit to finish up. Got my Mocha Madness this afternoon and it's in the fridge now ready for tomorrow morning after my dentist appointment. Might take a Peach tea with me tomorrow evening since I work 3PM-9:30. I'll miss This is Us and New Amsterdam tomorrow night due to working so going to DVR them and watch them later this week. Also will miss Ellen's Game of Games but don't care if I don't see it or not. I still report my weigh in's to TOPS online groups and am so glad I don't go to a chapter meeting anymore since a lot of them are cancelled for weather this week and ot...


Almost all green today but will miss floors and active minutes and might miss miles and calories burned too. Achieved my steps per hour goal and will have over 13K steps before bed. Plan for tomorrow afternoon is to put my Keto Mocha Madness in the fridge so they don't get frozen in my car. Was surprised that my Bang! Peach tea wasn't extremely frozen after being in my car then not quite overnight in the fridge but it was drinkable when I opened it this morning. Update on my back it's all better not sore at all as I didn't use a pain patch today or take any ibuprofen. Tomorrow's workout plan is Legs and 20 min on escalator(stair master) if free but other cardio if not. Mindful moment for today: Take a moment to look at your hands. Are they busy or are they still? Appreciate the effortless way they work together.


Almost all green today but going to miss floors and active minutes. Came up 13 steps shy sitting in church tonight of achieving my steps per hour goal but will have over 13K steps for the day. Finally got into my car to start it just to see since I haven't driven since last Monday and put my Bang! Peach tea some that wasn't damaged into the garage fridge. Had my other Loca Mocha this morning since it was this afternoon before I got the Bang! from my car.  Update on my back it's better only used a pain patch today. I think the weather last week was just the good lords way of telling me I needed several days off from the gym to let my back heal. Plan for this week is to get into the gym 4 days but get all 5 workouts in since I'll either do Thursday's on Wednesday when I'm off or do it at home not sure yet. Today is day 6 of my 10 day No Candy challenge so I'm in the homestretch now.


Almost all green just going to miss floors and active minutes today but achieved my steps per hour goal and had over 13K steps. Still couldn't get my Bang! Peach tea from my car so went to Dollar General and bought 2 Monster Mocha Locha and drank one earlier and have one in the fridge to drink tomorrow morning. Still hoping to get my Mocha Madness on Sunday morning or whenever I go to work I'll leave a few extra minutes early to stop by MAC for it. My back is feeling better today only used Ibuprofen twice and took my icy/hot pain patch off since it's only effective for 8hrs. Should be able to get into my car tomorrow so will take them out and put them in the garage fridge but bring one in for Sunday. Won't know until sometime tomorrow morning my work schedule for next week to plan my workout times of day and number of days weather permitting of course. Mindful Moment: There is life how it is, and life how we think it should be. The more we cling to the latter, the more ...


Almost all green but will miss floors and active minutes today. Achieved my steps per hour goal and will have over 13K steps. Another gym rest day looks like I'm mostly taking the week off due to the weather. Going to try and get into my car tomorrow and get my Bang! Peach tea out to put it in the garage fridge. Been without the Keto Iced coffee Mocha since Tuesday and might not get to pick mine up until Monday now at the latest. Today is day 4 of 10 on my 10 day No candy challenge and doing really well. This morning woke up to an ice storm that came through last night and we had slick roads this morning. I guess the positive side is my back is starting to feel better and not hurt as much so maybe will be really good to go by Monday.


Almost all green but will miss floors and maybe active minutes. Achieved or will have achieved my steps per hour goal. Once again missed my gym workout due to the wet/icy roads. Unsure of the rest of the week at this rate with this weather. Hoping I drive tomorrow so I can at least go and pick up my Bang! Keto Coffee before work even if I don't get to workout after work. Today is day 3 of 10 day no candy challenge and have done really well today. It's great to give my back an extra day to rest and I've used Ibuprofen and after using Bio-Freeze this morning I decided after my shower to use an Icy/Hot pain patch. Tomorrow's gym workout plan is Legs/Back and no scheduled cardio but the weather and if I drive to work tomorrow will decide if I get it in or not.


Not sure if I'll go all green today but achieved my steps per hour goal and will have over 13K steps. Roads were iffy today as the weather couldn't decide if it wanted to warm up to the upper 40's or not so didn't drive to work which meant no gym workout. Going to give my back an extra day to rest then maybe do 2 workouts tomorrow. Today is day 2 of my 10 day challenge of no candy so far I've done pretty good. Charge3 is at 44% battery so will charge as soon as I reach 13K steps. I am so ready for Spring to get here and the warmer weather. I don't like this cold 30 feels like 22 and foggy tonight. I'm ready for weather in the 60's and above.


Almost all green on my charge3 today but missed floors. Achieved my steps per hour goal and had over 13K steps. Got in a great new Legs and 20 min row was supposed to do escalator (stair master) but back was still sore and didn't want to push it. Tomorrow's workout plan is 5 min row to warm up then Chest/Shoulders and legs circuit. Mindful Moment for today: Work life, social life, personal life. It doesn't matter where we are or what we're doing. It's all one life.


Almost all green on my Charge3 today and have achieved my steps per hour goal with over 13K steps. Mindful moment for today: Everyone has a little madness on the inside. The skill is in understanding the madness, and then being at ease with it. Work 9AM-4PM tomorrow then it's in the gym to get in a great workout no matter what it is. After a bit I may put the Celebrity Big Brother feeds on and watch the rest of the evening.


Almost all green on my Charge3 just will miss floors and active minutes. Came up 49 steps shy of achieving my steps per hour goal for today and have over 13K steps for today. Plan is 4 days in the gym this week with the possibility of modifying Friday's workout to do at home since I get off at 6PM and that's too late for me to go workout. Double mindful moments: A day thinking about what could happen, should happen, or what might have been, is a day missed.  Picture someone you miss. As long as we hold them in our mind, we are never really separate.  I'll get into the gym Monday after 4PM, Tuesday after 4:30PM, Wednesday morning around 9AM or so, and Thursday after 5:15PM.


Almost all green on my Charge3 today but will miss floors. Achieved or will achieve my steps per hour goal and have well over 13K steps. Got in a great Chest/Abs and 20 min on elliptical considering I forgot until I was almost done with my first exercise to start tracking my workout on my Charge3. Figured out how to add more than 1 video to my Instagram story. Won't know until sometime tomorrow afternoon my work schedule for next week to plan my workout times of day and number of days. Hoping for 5 days but will take 4 if that's all time will allow.