
Almost all green today just will miss floors but achieved or will have my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps. Got in a great 5 min row to warm up the Chest/Shoulders and Legs circuit to finish today. Woke up to a surprise this morning my workouts for next month are already in the app so they are already written in my notebook. Already drank 40oz of water today and am drinking another. Unsure if I'll get into the gym tomorrow or Friday but weather permitting I'll get in there on Thursday morning to finish off the training month. Think I'll pack my workout clothes just in case I decide to go tomorrow evening but will for sure take Friday off since I work 11AM-5PM on Saturday and have laundry to do. Glad to be back on my regular vitamin pack again but have to take my time taking them so I don't have swallowing issues. Saturday I'll take my measurements to post them on Monday when I weigh in.


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