
All green today first time in a while that I've gotten even floors too. Achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps. Plan is to get into the gym all 5 days but no promises since it's the time of the year where the weather might keep me out and I get off a couple days at 5PM so unsure if I'll go or not. Got in a great Legs/Abs circuit and on my own got on the recumbent bike for a little bit. Ordered a Fit Bit Versa from Wal-Mart.com and can get it on Sunday when I go to work I'll just leave a little early and do precheck in. A co-worker of mine ordered one as well but hers is coming from the Fit Bit site so she won't get hers until first of next week and if I was headed to town tomorrow I could get mine then.


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