
Almost all green but will miss floors, active minutes and miles since my Charge3 was at 39% and needed charged up. Did achieve my steps per hour goal and have well over 13K steps. Great Legs and 20 min treadmill walk since not sure I was up to 20 min on escalator (stair master) after a week out of the gym. Tomorrow's workout plan is 5 min warm up on rower then chest/shoulders and leg circuit to finish up. Got my Mocha Madness this afternoon and it's in the fridge now ready for tomorrow morning after my dentist appointment. Might take a Peach tea with me tomorrow evening since I work 3PM-9:30. I'll miss This is Us and New Amsterdam tomorrow night due to working so going to DVR them and watch them later this week. Also will miss Ellen's Game of Games but don't care if I don't see it or not. I still report my weigh in's to TOPS online groups and am so glad I don't go to a chapter meeting anymore since a lot of them are cancelled for weather this week and other weeks for Holiday's. I weigh in every Monday morning no matter if there is a holiday or bad weather. I have no excuses to not weigh in at all. Felt good to be back into the gym this morning after a week off due to weather and a sore tender back. Back is all better but still going to take it easy with the weights this week just to be sure it's truly healed.


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