
Unsure if I'll go all green today but should just miss floors. Plan on achieving my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps by the end of the night. Bought a new Thermos brand water bottle with rotating meter to track water it's a 24oz water bottle so I just need 5 bottles to reach my daily water goal. Got in a great Legs and 20 min treadmill walk instead of escalator (stair master) since someone was on it. I walked for 10 min then jogged at 4.0 for 5 min before walking to finish up. Tomorrow's workout plan is Chest/Shoulder and 10 min row and time permitting Back and 20 min on elliptical if not then will do that latter along with Thursday's workout on Thursday morning.
NSV for today I added 2 2.5# plates on a 35# (I think) bar for 5 sets of squats, 2 sets of lunges, and 4 sets of hip thrusts.


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