
Almost all green on my Versa today, achieved or will have achieved my steps per hour goal and have well over 13K steps. Got in a great Back and 20 min on elliptical workout this morning. Tomorrow's workout plan is Legs/Glutes and 15 min treadmill HIIT. Plan is to get a short box and try to go lower on my squats since I used a heavier bar on Monday so didn't go as low as I could've. Tried my new earphones this morning they were OK so I bought a new pair that's a different brand will try them tomorrow since the ones I bought a Walgreens would cut in and out when I was across the gym from my phone. Hope the Jbuds I bought at Wal-Mart are better. Thinking about starting a transformation on Monday will talk to my trainer to see how to start. Should hopefully have my vitamins on Saturday but if not then should get them on Monday since they ship from St. Louis, MO on Friday.


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