
Almost all green but going to miss floors as always but achieved or will have achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps. Great Legs Circuit AMRAP style this morning I did 5 full rounds and 2 exercises into the 6th round. Next Friday going to try and do 6 full rounds. Won't know my work schedule for next week until sometime tomorrow to plan my workout times of day and number of days. Did deep cleaning yesterday because I had some bites on my leg from bed bugs so bought a new mattress, box and mattress protectors on Wed evening and cleaned yesterday for the exterminator to come on Wed morning to spray. Update on my fingers they are feeling a lot better I can grip stuff and not feel a twinge but still used my lifting gloves today to grip the kettle bell better. I think I hate the AMRAP cross-fit workouts of all of the cross-fit workouts that I've done. Versa battery is on 69% but still might charge it a little later tonight maybe around 6:30. Bitmoji on Versa is telling me to get a drink of water. 


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