
All green on my Versa today, achieved or will have achieved my steps per hour goal and have or will have over 13K steps before bedtime. Got in a great 5 min warm up on Escalator(stair master) then 20 min Leg Circuit AMRAP got in 8 full rounds and 1 exercise into round 9. Took my measurements this morning and posted them here on the My Fitness Pal site.  Won't know my work schedule for next week for sure until sometime tomorrow to plan my workout times of day and number of days. Right now hoping for 5 days in the gym but if not then 4 days with one day being a double workout day to catch up. Today is officially day 1 of my transformation just not sure of how long yet. Love my new Jbud earphones and have them on the charge for the weekend since I won't need them until Monday. Should have my new workouts in the gym app this weekend to start fresh on Monday.  I love the barcode scanner on the MFP app it's easier to log food without typing the description in to find it. Used it last night when I ate chips and cheese dip for dinner last night. 


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