Day 76

All green on my Versa, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps for today. I raised my steps goal and steps per hour goal so I went from 13K steps to 15K steps and steps per hour goal went from 10hrs to 13hrs. Got in a great Legs and 20 min turf walk this morning. Tomorrow's workout plan is Turf work/Back and 10 min rowing machine sprints 30 sec on and 30 sec off. I've got 9.6# to lose to reach my mini goal of 132 and 16.6# to lose to reach my goal of 125. Versa battery is at 61% so may charge it a little later on tonight. Work 10AM-3PM tomorrow, 9AM-2:15PM Friday then 9AM-5PM Saturday then not sure about Sunday yet before starting vacation on Monday to focus on my workouts and keeping my snacking in check. 74oz of water down and 46oz left to drink to quench my thirst for today.  Going for a meds check next week and will probably have to get labs done since it's been a while and my red blood cell counts should be better this time since I've been taking Iron since around Thanksgiving time.


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