Day 82

All green on my Versa, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps for today. Great 1,500 meter rowing machine row and Chest/Shoulders workout today. Versa battery is at 60% so going to charge it a little later tonight.  I've got 7.2# to go to reach my mini goal of 132 and 14.2# to reach my goal of 125. Tomorrow's workout plan after my dr's appt. for a meds check is Legs and 20 min cardio of choice either turf walk or walk on the mats haven't decided yet will all depend on if the gym is busy and people are using the turf or not. Started using Performix SST cleanse but think I'll stop and just use the Thermogenic instead of both.  On track to reach my goal by August for the mini goal of 132 and September before vacation for my goal of 125. Think I'll talk to my trainer to see if once I reach 125 I'll have a certain number of pound leeway to stay in.


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