Day 86

Almost all green on my Versa just might miss active minutes but going to try and get them too. Came up 48 steps shy of achieving my steps per hour goal sitting in church tonight. Some weeks I get my 5PM steps in and some weeks like tonight I don't. Scale the same today so not going to post again the amount left to achieve both my mini goal of 132 and my goal of 125. Versa battery ended up at 50% before my shower at 10:15AM so put it on the charge from 10:25AM to 11AM and charged up to 92% and it's down to 88% now so might charge it up in a little while. Missed my headspace session last night as I knew it would be late when we got home from the play but still didn't get it in before we left. The Community Theater's production of Disney's Newsies was amazing last night I never knew in this area there were that many talented kids and adults.Schedule for next week was published last night during the first act of the play so I know I can get into the gym Monday-Thursday morning and Friday late morning/early afternoon. All 5 days yet again to finish the training month. Will ask my trainer this week if she wants me to leave my notebook on Friday or wait until next week and get another bonus week in.


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