Day 88

All green on my Versa but came up 135 steps shy of achieving my steps per hour goal sitting in a resturant eating dinner tonight. I do have over 15K steps for today though. Great Legs and 15 min treadmill walk this morning. Tomorrow's workout plan is 750 meter rowing machine row then chest/shoulders and 750 more meters to finish up.  I've got 6.8# to go to reach my mini goal of 132 and 13.8# to go to reach my goal of 125. I was down 1.6# from last week at weigh in today. Took SST Cleanse just 1 capsule this morning but think I'm not going to try it again as I was not feeling that great after taking it but pushed through my workout this morning.  It's back to work tomorrow afternoon but will get my workout in before I go.


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