Saturday 7/10

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 15K steps for today. Macros were good today Calories goal was 1570 and I was over 99, P goal was 140 and I was over 13 grams, C goal was 140 and I had 12 grams left and F goal was 50 and I was over 8 grams. Monday's training session is 20 min AMRAP after dinner, Tuesday's training session is Lower 1 in the gym, Wed training session is Full-Body AMRAP before work, Thursday's training session is Upper2 in the gym and Friday's training session is Booty Pump 3 sets then rest 3 min before 9 min EMOM Core and Upper Body before work if time but if not then after dinner.  Meds are ready for the week and Vitamins are ready for tomorrow. Drinking my reds and greens before beginning my nighttime routine.


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