
Not going to go all green will miss floors and might miss active minutes too. Achieved or will achieve my steps per hour goal today. The whole workout week is up in the air all depending on when the funeral for my great uncle is he was my grandpa's last living brother now all that's left are the 3 sisters. Thinking the funeral will be on Thursday and I work 2PM-6:30PM then have to be back at 6:15AM on Friday for truck so a workout after is out and won't have time before if the funeral is in the morning. Unofficial weigh in this morning I'm down 4.9# from Monday but most if not all of that was being so sick with a killer headache and sick to my stomach on Friday that I hardly ate anything and then watching so I didn't get sick again yesterday. Not the way to lose but I'll take it even if I'm not down that much with tomorrow's weigh in.


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