
Almost all green but will miss floors again today. Achieved my steps per hour goal for today. Got in a great 15 min warm up on elliptical and biceps/triceps/chest and 15 min on elliptical. Tomorrow's plan is Legs/Abs and 15 min on elliptical but might do the treadmill instead. Got to thinking today and I'll start making goals each month then in January I'll set goals for 2019. Starting a new training month next week and hope to not miss a day all month. Also on CyberTOPS online group I'll make a pledge each month and in January for the year too. I have one more day with the 1st Phorm vitamins then have to switch to the GNC multivitamin pack until 1st Phorm gets more in stock. Hope it's just for this month but we will see come January. It's about the same price for both brands so wouldn't be saving any money going from one to the other.


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