
Almost all green again today just will miss floors but today have achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps. Got in a great Back and 15 min treadmill walk this morning but couldn't find the long foam roller so went out to my car and brought in my short blue one. Mindful Moment: How do you feel right now? Take a moment to check in with the body. Tried the Cookies and Cream Bang! Keto Coffee and think I like the Mocha Madness better. Got my case of Mocha this morning and brought one in to get cold for tomorrow. Started using my new journal last night and was planning on writing a little but instead wrote half a page. Since I got home this morning I've been watching/listening to the Celebrity Edition of Big Brother live feeds. Tomorrow's workout plan is 20 min stair master (if it's free) and Biceps/Legs. With 2 days left in the work week challenge I'm in I'm leading with almost 20,000 more steps than second place. I just need 1,762 steps as of 4:30PM to reach 13K steps and I need 2 more hours of 250+ steps to achieve that goal for today.


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