
Almost all green just going to miss floors and maybe active minutes not sure yet. Achieved or will achieve my steps per hour goal and have over 13K steps today. Instead of my gym workout modified for home I did 3 sets of 12 side raises alternating to front raises, biceps curls, shoulder presses, and chest presses in a circuit form. Idea courtesy of Celebrity Big Brother live feeds seen on Sunday from Joey and Ryan. Tomorrow's workout plan is 20 min on stair master (if my back is feeling up to it) and Biceps/Quads. May get on the treadmill or row instead of stair master if my back isn't up to it.  Missed my gym workout today due to the extremely cold temps. So far I've used my Bio-Freeze roll on 3 times and will use again before bed tonight. Will use my massage stick on my back in a bit and roll out on my exercise ball. Since I don't have a foam roller at home I have to improvise and use my workout ball and massage stick.


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