Monday 8/2

 All green on my Versa 2, achieved my steps per hour goal and have over 19K steps for today. Macros were good today Calories goal was 1570 and I was over 156, P goal was 140 and I was over 31 grams, C goal was 140 and I had 21 grams left and F goal was 50 and I was over 10 grams. Got in a great 7 min AMRAP 3 min rest then 7 min AMRAP completed 8 rounds. Tomorrow's training plan is 20 min EMOM(5 rounds). A cool idea is to pre track proteins for the day the work the carbs and fats until the calorie goal is reached. Addie suggested that I try it so have most of tomorrow planned just unsure of Breakfast yet. Completed both Personal and app Power Lists. Vitamins are ready for tomorrow.


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